Electric Guitar Painting 2
Shortly after the ArtReach auction of my first underwater electric guitar, I was commissioned to paint another by someone who bid on my original and didn’t win. After some conversation and contracts were signed, I set out to paint a second guitar as what I can only explain as “same same but different”. This one has more detail, whales, and a slightly different color palette than my first. Actually, I used the same colors I’d mixed for my Peachtober 2021 collage painting, so that was convenient! I also included the word “Mojo” on the front because that is the recipient’s band name. I completed this painting in about half the time I had for my first, which was crazy and difficult but I’m so happy with the result! I didn’t think the two guitar paintings were that different but seeing their images side-by-side allowed me to see my improvement in just a few short months.