Branding MPAcc

First of all you might be thinking, what is MPAcc? MPAcc stands for “Master’s of Professional Accountancy”, which is a program offered at California State University, Northridge. 

“CSUN’s Master of Professional Accountancy is an innovative graduate program carefully designed to prepare students with non-accounting undergraduate degrees to succeed on the CPA exam and to effectively launch their career in accountancy.”

At CSUN I joined a student-run organization called VISCOM (VISual COMmunication) where students worked on design projects together in a collaborative environment. I was fortunate enough to work on projects for both on and off-campus clients, but MPAcc was by far the largest project. Before launching in 2017, I worked with faculty and staff from the Business and Economics department to develop both graphic and marketing materials they needed to advertise their new program. Over the course of several months I created mockups, developed ideas, designed merchandise, and delivered content that carried them through their launch and beyond. 

Unlike most VISCOM projects, this was one that I managed on my own. I was the project owner, manager and designer. The goal was to create material that adhered to CSUN’s already developed brand guidelines while also coming up with something that would stand apart from the crowd. My first objective was to come up with a prospective timeline and meet directly with department heads to make sure we were all on the same page. Once the quote was approved I went to work developing the logo, creating wireframes for their website, sketching layouts and mocking up proposed designs. Then came production days where I spent all of my time in Illustrator, InDesign, and Web-One bringing the program to life. It was a busy couple of months, but I’m proud of the work I did for MPAcc and seeing the success of their program genuinely makes me happy. 

What I did with MPAcc was essentially create a subsidiary brand within the guidelines of CSUN. Branding is something I would love to explore more during my career as a designer, so here’s to manifesting that opportunity! 

Please scroll through the gallery below to view work I did for MPAcc. Although I no longer manage their website, it is still up-and-running and can be viewed here.


Inktober 2019: 31 Daily Illustrations